The PathQuery To Cypher Puzzle - Part 1

The conversion of PathQuery To Cypher effectively & accurately is crucial for the Neo4j prototype of InterMine. This post provides a brief overview of Path Query & Cypher and gives you an insight on how we plan to query the InterMine Neo4j database. In upcoming posts, the conversion approach will be discussed.

Metadata in Neo4j

This post describes how the Metagraph is used to store the schema in the Neo4j database.

My GSoC Journey Begins

Hello! This summer started rather nicely for me as I was accepted into Google Summer of Code. The deadline to submit the proposals was 3rd April and results were declared on 4th May. I was anxiously waiting for the results during this whole period and the results made me super happy. I dreamt of this moment since last year. I will be working for InterMine organisation throughout the summer.

First Jekyll Blog!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. It is based on Jekyll which is a static HTML generator. I will share exciting stuff soon. Stay tuned!